Saturday, September 14, 2013

5 Months!

Stats: 24.75 inches long; 15lb, 13oz;

Milestones:  Avery is a log rolling machine!  We put her on her back and she immediately flips over to her tummy.  Just in the last few days she has begun to prop herself up for extended periods of time to play on her tummy.  Guess she likes tummy time now.  We're ok with that.  We've been waiting on the 2 illusive bottom teeth to make their appearance since her 4 month birthday.  I can see them just about to break through.  Guess we'll wait some more.

Behavior: This kid is hilarious.  Avery loves to make faces and laugh.  Her personality is definitely shining through more and more.  She loves to let us know that she loves/hates things.  She's started giving "the look" when she's less than impressed and it's hard to just not sit and laugh.

Sleep:  We're back to normal for the most part on sleep.  Avery continues to start her routine around 7 (sometimes earlier if we've reached melt down mode) and is asleep in her crib/rock-n-play by 8.  We've not been able to consistently sleep her in her crib secondary to the consistent ear infections and congestion.  She still wakes up anywhere between 5-6am....usually talking or singing to herself.

Clothes: All of her 3 month clothes are officially pack away.  :(  I'm not sure why that makes me so sad, maybe it's because she had so many stinking cute 3 month outfits, or it's a reality check that she's growing up and will never be that little again.  6 month clothes are the norm now.  I picked up some of her 6 month footed pajamas and said, "These will be way too long for her."  Nope.  They were perfect.

Likes:  Talking, her lovie, school, shopping at Target, bath time, Ellie, her links toys, Sophie the giraffe, tummy time, grabbing people's hair (and laughing about it), FaceTime, and books.

Dislikes: Peaches, pears, and bananas.  Go figure.  Oh- and ear infections.  Everyone dislikes ear infections.

Favorite Moments: Mastering rolling over, having "conversations" with Momma and Dada, Mema and Pops coming for a very overdue visit, visiting momma for lunch a lot at the hospital, Uncle Jeremy and his girlfriend Valerie coming for a visit.

Most Challenging:  Ear infections.  I hoped she wouldn't have this issue, but alas, she does.  We've had one consistent and resistant to antibiotics ear infection for a solid month.  We are on our third round of antibiotics with another check in 2 weeks.  Our doctor says that we will be referred to a pediatric ENT in a couple of weeks to get their opinion.  I see tubes in her future unfortunately, but, I had them and so did Jacob.  I would like to think we turned out pretty ok.  :)  The one thing that has surprised me is how well she's tolerated the infections.  There have only been a handful of days out of the past month that she was miserable enough to act miserable.  Thank you Lord for a happy baby with a high pain tolerance.

(Baby's first gun show)

Looking Forward To:  Our first airplane ride to Louisiana, getting her picture made in the dress my grandmother made, clearing up these ear infections!

(Avery was famous this past month.  Her picture was selected to be "Cuteness of the Week" by a blog I follow.)

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