Monday, December 31, 2012

22 Weeks

**No picture this week, I'm lucky to get this posted with my gimp hand.** :(

How Far Along: 22 Weeks.  

Size of baby: Papaya. (8 inches; 1.2 pounds) 

Total Weight Gain/LossStill just +5 according to the scales that were unpacked from their box this week. 

Maternity Clothes: Everything now. I'm still enjoying normal sized shoes. 

Gender: GIRL!  Avery Grace has already stolen our hearts!

Movement: Movement is all the time, especially in the morning when I wake up, around lunch time, and at night.  Her kicks are getting to be more visible from the outside.  Jacob hasn't seen them, but I have.  She gets kick shy when he gets around.  Go figure.

Sleep: Still consistently waking up to go to the bathroom.  

What I miss: Nothing this week...surprisingly. 

Cravings: Orange juice, sweet tea.

Symptoms: Still complexion problems, fatigue, and occasional headache.

Best Moment/Most Interesting Moment this week: Officially breaking my left hand on Friday at work.  I didn't fall so Avery most likely didn't even know anything happened.  Lucky her...  Follow up with hand specialist is on Wednesday.

Monday, December 24, 2012

21 Weeks

How Far Along: 21 Weeks.  

Size of baby: Spaghetti squash. (8 inches; 1 pound) 

Total Weight Gain/Loss+5 lbs according to the doctor.  I think it's more after the numerous feasts that have happened during the course of the holiday....and there's more to come.

Maternity Clothes: Everything now. I'm still enjoying normal sized shoes. 

Gender: So excited to reveal HER name TOMORROW!

Movement: She moves multiple times.  We found out this week after nearly breaking my hand that she's just like her mama...doesn't like being cold.  She let me know that by kicking so hard it was visible from the outside. 

Sleep: Still consistently waking up to go to the bathroom.  I thought I had it figured out that if I didn't drink anything after around 7 I wouldn't have to get up.  Not the case.  

What I miss: After missing those Starbucks holiday drinks so bad, someone at work let me in on a secret....they make them in decaf! I've thoroughly enjoyed my DECAF Gingerbread Latte yesterday.  Heaven in a cup I tell you.  Heaven in a cup.

Cravings: Orange juice.  Jacob was even sweet enough to run to the store and get me some earlier in the week around 10pm at night.  I guess I'll keep him around.  :) 

Symptoms: There's an old wives tale that says that if you feel like someone is robbing you of your beauty, you're probably carrying a girl.  Well, this week I'm feeling like an ugly duckling.  I've had numerous people tell me otherwise, but still.  I'm kinda tired of waking up to a new village of "people" on my face every few days.  I'm not 15 anymore people.

Best Moment/Most Interesting Moment this week: Finishing up Christmas shopping, starting our holiday family visits, getting outfits for sweet baby girl in the mail!

Monday, December 17, 2012

20 Weeks

How Far Along: 20 Weeks.  

Size of baby: Banana (7in, 11oz)....BUT- little one measured in at 12oz at our ultrasound. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +5 lbs according to the doctor.  I think it's less than what's expected but the doctor didn't seem too concerned.

Maternity Clothes: Mostly everything now.  I'm caving and ordering maternity scrubs.  Lordy lord it's come to that.  :)  Another friend at work today told me, "You know, you really shouldn't be swallowing basketballs."  

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!  We'll reveal her name after if you know spilling the beans.  It's been AWESOME being able to call her by her name and not just "Baby T" or "it".  

Movement: TONS!  I've really enjoyed feeling her multiple times daily.  Jacob and I got to actually SEE her moving during our ultrasound.  She attempted to climb my uterus at one point, she obviously knew where she was going.  

Sleep: Pretty good this week.  I've been waking up consistently between 12:30 and 1:00 to go to the bathroom.  Looks like those days are back.  Baby girl likes to stand and dance on my bladder.  It's been confirmed- I've got pictures.  

What I miss: For some reason, this week, I'm missing Starbucks holiday drinks.

Cravings: Still iced Tea.  I've only given in a couple of times.  

Symptoms: Nothing this week.  It's definitely a continued welcome break.

Best Moment/Most Interesting Moment this week: Going for our 20 week ultrasound and finding out that Baby T is "without at doubt" a GIRL!  

Monday, December 10, 2012

19 Weeks

How Far Along: 19 Weeks.  

Size of baby: Mango (6 inches, .5lbs) change in fruit this week.  Not going to lie, I was disappointed. 

Total Weight Gain/LossStill have the scales packed away....

Maternity Clothes: Mostly everything now.  I had some nurses at work finally get brave enough to ask if I was expecting.  I figured I did a pretty good job at keeping the bump under wraps for as long as I did.  

Gender: I've given up guessing. 1 more week until we find out!!!! 

Movement: Multiple flutters and thumps per day now.  I think we've got a tap dancer in there.  Every night around 8 I get the pleasure of feeling little kicks and punches.  Baby T is apparently a night owl.  I'm hoping that changes....

Sleep: Sleepless nights have made their return.  Bright side is that after 2-3 nights without good sleep, night 4 is pretty dern awesome.  

What I miss: Coffee, Diet Coke

Cravings: Iced Tea.  I've only given in a couple of times.  

Symptoms: Nothing this week.  It's definitely a continued welcome break.

Best Moment/Most Interesting Moment this week: This past weekend was a weekend full of good music and great fellowship.  Friday night our choir at church sang with Keith and Kristyn Getty.  They are Irish and precious.  Saturday I drove to Waco and went to the Kari Jobe concert with the BFF Staci and her sister-in-law Brittany.  Staci's family are close friends with Kari's family so we got to meet Kari and chat after her concert.  It was pretty spectacular.  Sunday night Katie, Blaire, and I went to Kari's concert in Austin.  Let me tell you- just as good the second time around.

Joy:  An Irish Christmas with Keith and Kristyn Getty @ Great Hills Baptist Church

Kari and I after her Waco show.  This girl is a seriously gifted worship leader.

Blaire, me, and Katie after the Sunday night Kari show in Burnet.  (Please note the bumpage...)

Monday, December 3, 2012

18 Weeks

How Far Along: 18 Weeks.  

Size of baby: Mango (6 inches, .5lbs)

Total Weight Gain/LossStill have the scales packed away....

Maternity Clothes: Mostly everything now, although, I do still manage to have a few things that are normal shoes, jewelry, socks, etc. :)  I really popped this week.

Gender: I've given up guessing.  

Movement: Multiple flutters and thumps per day now.  The past 2 days Baby T has been karate kicking my bladder like there's no tomorrow.

Sleep: Well, I dreamed I went to, and participated in, a feral hog riding bull riding but feral hogs.  Yeah, no clue where that one came from...

What I miss: Coffee, Diet Coke

Cravings: Mandarin oranges.

Symptoms: Nothing this week.  It's definitely a continued welcome break.

Best Moment/Most Interesting Moment this week: We've picked out names!  I think we'll keep those under wraps for a little bit though.  

Sunday, November 25, 2012

17 Weeks

How Far Along: 17 Weeks.  

Size of baby: Sweet fitting.  :)

Total Weight Gain/LossStill have the scales packed away....

Maternity Clothes: Just jeans so far.  Thankfully I wear scrubs 5 days a week.  :)

Gender: I've had people tell me all week that they think it's either a girl or boy.  I'm just taking it as no one knows except Baby T and we'll find out soon!  

Movement: 1-2 flutters or thumps per day now.

Sleep: VERY entertaining recently.  Apparently I snore like a man now.  My dreams are crazy lately which has made sleep interesting to say the least.  For example, last night I dreamed that I had ants coming out of my ears.

What I miss: Coffee, Diet Coke

Cravings: Spiral cut honey ham.

Symptoms: Nothing this week.  It's definitely a welcome break.

Best Moment/Most Interesting Moment this week: Going home for Thanksgiving!  It was great to be back home in Grapevine for the holiday.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

16 Weeks

How Far Along: 16 Weeks.  

Size of baby: Turnip

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm feeling large and in charge these days.  The scale is still packed in the box so +2ish is all I know for sure.

Maternity Clothes: Just jeans so far.  Thankfully I wear scrubs 5 days a week.  :)

Gender: I had a very vivid dream last night that we were at the anatomy scan and then tech told us it was a girl.  Not sure whether to read into that or not.  

Movement: I noticed a few flutters on Monday!

Sleep: Newly developed hip pain which has made sleep difficult.  Any one with ideas about how to make that go away, please let me know.

What I miss: Coffee, Diet Coke

Cravings: Nothing really this week.

Symptoms: New hip pain if I lay on my sides while sleeping (which is ironic considering I can't sleep on my back or stomach).

Best Moment/Most Interesting Moment this week: Getting through this past weekend was definitely a plus.  Putting our dog Toby down on Sunday night was hands down one of the hardest things I've ever EVER done.  We decided on Monday that we needed some Christmas Cheer in our house so we busted out some of the Christmas decoration (read: tree) and decorated.  I love siting in the living room and looking at the Christmas tree.  I'd keep it up all year round if it were socially acceptable.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

15 Weeks

How Far Along: 15 Weeks.  

Size of baby: Avocado

Total Weight Gain/Loss: According to the doctor's scale at my appointment this week, +2.

Maternity Clothes: Just jeans so far.  Thankfully I wear scrubs 5 days a week.  :)

Gender: It'll remain a mystery until December 12th.  No talking the doctor into an earlier anatomy scan.  Oh well.

Movement: Nothing that I can feel yet.  Still a little early.

Sleep: A lot better recently.

What I miss: Coffee, Diet Coke

Cravings: Jello

Symptoms: Sciatic pain struck hard core this week.  On Wednesday by the time work was over it was to the point that I couldn't sit, stand, or walk without crying.

Best Moment/Most Interesting Moment this week: Doctor's appointment this past Wednesday went great!  Heart rate was around 165.  She didn't have a hard time finding it, but our little one kept moving around so she had to go on the hunt many times to relocate it. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

14 Weeks

How Far Along: 14 Weeks.  I "popped" this week.  Thankfully.  I was tired of looking like I had one-to-many doughnuts.

Size of baby: Navel Orange

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I don't know.  We moved last week and the scale is still in a box somewhere.  Maybe it'll just stay there....

Maternity Clothes: Just jeans so far.  Thankfully I wear scrubs 5 days a week.  :)

Gender: I've been having a lot of dreams about it being a girl.  I go back to the doctor on Wednesday and will schedule the gender reveal appointment!  I'm hoping she'll let me have it at 18 weeks.

Movement: Nothing that I can feel yet.  Still a little early.

Sleep: A lot better recently.

What I miss: Coffee

Cravings: Bread-and-butter pickles have a new allure to me this week.

Symptoms: Fatigue, occasional lower back pain- easily resolved though. 

Best Moment/Most Interesting Moment this week: Moving into our new house!  

13 Weeks!

**No picture this week.....there's no bump to show....yet.**

How Far Along: 13 Weeks

Size of baby: Peach

Total Weight Gain/Loss: still down 3lbs

Maternity Clothes: Just jeans so far.  Thankfully I wear scrubs 5 days a week.  :)

Gender: No clue.  We won't find out until 20 weeks....or if I sweet talk an ultrasound tech at the hospital to scan me early. 

Movement: Nothing that I can feel yet.  Still a little early.

Sleep: Hello insomnia.  Luckily Netflix added new episodes of my favorite insomnia cure: "How It Works".  Waking up at 12:45; 3:15; and then 6:00 just because is getting old.

What I miss: Coffee

Cravings: Slurpee's.  Weird, I don't think I've had one of those (before this week) since I was a kid.

Symptoms: Fatigue, occasional lower back pain- easily resolved though. 

Best Moment/Most Interesting Moment this week: I would say surviving my first ER trip being pregnant.  Apparently dehydration and exhaustion can really sneak up on you quick.  Who would have thought....   

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

12 Weeks!

**No picture this week.....there's no bump to show....yet.**

How Far Along: 12 Weeks

Size of baby: Large plum (2.5 inches; 0.5 oz)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: down 3lbs

Maternity Clothes: Just jeans so far.  Thankfully I wear scrubs 5 days a week.  :)

Gender: No clue.  We won't find out until 20 weeks....or if I sweet talk an ultrasound tech at the hospital to scan me early. 

Movement: Very apparent via ultrasound video.  Can't feel them yet....
This video was from our 9 week appointment.  Baby was sleeping during our most recent appointment.

Sleep: Going ok.  I just wish I could get rid of this sinus infection/cold/allergies.

What I miss: Coffee

Cravings: chocolate, chocolate milk, spicy cheese, strawberries

Symptoms: Fatigue, occasional lower back pain- easily resolved though.  I, knock on wood, have only had 1 day of morning sickness.  Now that I think about it, I don't really think it was morning sickness and more nerves about going to look for a house that particular Saturday.  According to my doctor, if I haven't gotten sick yet, it's probably not going to happen.  SWEET!  I'll take it.

Best Moment this week: Announcing on Facebook that we're expecting little Baby T!  Jacob and I loved refreshing the screen and seeing the comments people were leaving.  

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