Thursday, March 5, 2015


I realize that I've fallen off the blogging bandwagon again...but this time it's for a good reason.  (I'm working on a series....more to come soon.)

Here's a glimpse into what's been going on lately around this little household....

We've been struttin' our stuff...

Looking at "kippies" (kitties) at Petsmart....
We have absolutely no plan of getting a "kippie".  Sorry kiddo.

There were froyo dates....
-and their accompanying stains on perfectly good clothes.  Can I get a hallelujah for SHOUT!

There's been blankies-on-heads all around....

My little brother got married!

Sorry again for the silence, but there's some cool things coming up over here in my little corner of the internet!  Stay tuned!


  1. Hey Kristen! I found you through Blog Loving and saw that you were a Jesus loving SLP from Texas. I lived in TX half my life and my daughter is deaf. It's nice to meet you! I'm on my phone so I don't know if this will link to my website, but I'm at

    1. Hi Natalie! Thanks for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed our little site! Loved your site as well....the Tea Party is to.die.for. Love! Nice to meet you- let's be friends! :)


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