Jacob got up and out of the house early to go to his weekly men's meeting with our Sunday school guys leaving Avery and I to "sleep in" and get ready to go. Avery slept until around 7:15 which gave me time to finish packing our bags. Side note: what is the deal with my feeling the need to pack like 14 outfit choices per day? Seriously. I packed her a jacket. A jacket. In Texas. In May.
Asleep all of 10 minutes after we left. She slept until just past Hillsboro. Cue snack time and movies. She made it like a champ all the way to Gigi and Granddad's house!
After getting to Gigi and Granddad's house, we rested for a few minutes, had a quick diaper change, and loaded back up in the car to start our visitations. First stop was Gigi's work. Avery found a lot of friends at the doctor's office Gigi works at, both human and aquatic. After Gigi's work we went to Uncle Jeremy's and Miss Valerie's work at Gateway church to see them. Avery LOVES her Uncle Jeremy and Miss Valerie.
Avery thought it was hilarious to lay on the floor and be nose to nose with Uncle Jeremy.
We went to dinner Friday night at Campo Verde in Arlington. If you haven't been, go. Just go.
"Granddad this place is out of control with the lights. Don't they know its May? I should have worn that coat Nommy packed me..."
Side note #2: Avery started calling me Nommy instead of Momma/Mommy. I don't plan on correcting it.
After dinner Avery stayed up WAAAAY past her over an hour. She did well though, she even slept in (for real) the next morning!
Riding some sort of roller coaster in her dreams.
Little lovely let her exhausted Nommy sleep in until 8:15! Best gift ever!
....can I get an amen from the mommas.
Dede came over later that morning and played with Avery for a few hours. She's gotten this funny little thing about being "shy" for all of 2 minutes and then will begin to show off and not leave anyone alone. No one minds, I'm sure.
We went on a little "adventure" to Hobby Lobby with Dede, Granddad, and Gigi. Avery did great up until it was time to go. Granddad showed her a ball in the checkout line, and whatyaknow.....Avery pitched her a royal fit for it. Gigi said that everyone in the store knew us at that point. Awesome.
Proud of her new light up texture ball c/o Granddad and Hobby Lobby.
Watch out Mozart, Avery's coming in close on your heels.
Reading books in Gigi's big rocking chair brings out pure joy. Obviously.
Naturally Target trip(s) were made. Location doesn't stop us. Nothing does.
Side note #3: Little movie star totally loved her oversized sunglasses for the first 10 seconds they were on her face. She'll get the hang of it. She's got a good teacher.
We laid low on Sunday morning and just let Avery run the show. (But I mean really, when does she not run the show....) :)
Avery and Granddad went on the sweetest walk before we left. Like melt your heart sweet.
That's my Minnie Mouse from Walt Disney World. We think it's from when I was in 2nd-ish that makes it......a lot of years old....give or take a few years. It's Avery's Minnie Mouse now, until she gets one of her own that's as big as she is.
We left for home around 12:15 and Avery watched her Doc McStuffins movie for the first 45 minutes of the ride before she crashed into nap time with no abandon. Our plan was to stop in Waco and see "Aunt Saci" for a few minutes but Avery was still in napping land. I hated to wake her up knowing that she would probably scream the other half of the drive home. We ended up just driving through Waco without stopping knowing that we would be back in a couple of weekends.
After she woke up, just after we passed through Salado. Happy with snacks and a movie!
She melted down right as we exited the highway. Past the point of no return melt down. The silver lining was watching her reaction to turning the corner and seeing Jacob waiting on us in the driveway. She literally started screaming, "Adda! Adda! Adda!" out of excitement to see him. Most precious thing ever.
Great girls weekend! Up next: Avery's first wedding and first trip to College Station/a&m.
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