Milestones: We're now crawling AND pulling up. Oh- let's not forget walking while holding onto momma or dada. The speech therapist in me is super proud of the variegated babbling happening since around the 7.5 month mark. This kid is on the fast track. Slow up sister.
Still no top teeth. We've been "expecting" them for almost a month now. Hopefully soon.
Behavior: Avery is a ham. A Christmas ham. She cheeses it up when a camera is brought out, she laughs at herself, she mocks us laughing at her, and she'll do just about anything to get someone to smile at her. She's continued with the displeasure scream/whine too. Avery is super friendly and has yet to meet a stranger.
Sleep: We went through some sleep regression over the last month, however, she's almost back on track. Her internal clock is forever messed up because of daylight savings. What used to be acceptable (6am) as a wake up time has morphed into a "begin to stir" at 4:45, up ready to go by 5:15 type of behavior. Yeah. Not happy. We've started keeping her up a little bit later thinking that would adjust everything, but no. We're still the earliest of birds..
Clothes: 9 month everything.
Dislikes: Staying still, getting into her car seat, getting dressed (it's like trying to lasso a cat.)
Most Challenging: Sleep regression.
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