How Far Along: 34 Weeks.
Size of baby: Pineapple (20 in; 5lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still just 12 as far as I know. I'm convinced at least 3 of those are sitting in my ankles. :)
Maternity Clothes: Do they make maternity socks?? I'd be allll over those if I could find them. To quote Jacob, "I think your feet are too large for your socks now..."
Gender: GIRL! Avery Grace has already stolen our hearts!
Movement: Still all the time. She's gotten quite forceful in movements too. I guess she's running out of room.
Movement: Still all the time. She's gotten quite forceful in movements too. I guess she's running out of room.
Sleep: Sporadic. Some nights are better than others.
What I miss: Having energy. Being able to walk more than 50 yards without seriously contemplating taking a sit down rest break.
Cravings: Weird things these days...
Symptoms: Fatigue, itchiness (weird...), low energy. You know, typical for being 8.5 months pregnant.
Best Moment/Most Interesting Moment this week: Going for our 34 week doctor's appointment. We go back at 36 weeks for an ultrasound to measure weight and position. Little miss Avery Grace sure does love to sit up high and breech. Although- I've had 3 nurses at work tell me that I've "dropped". I've noticed more pressure in my lower abdomen and movement has definitely been more frequent there.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Ultrasound next week!